I am very happy to inform you that based on your email, you were selected to submit articles that may be posted on my blog. I am very excited to receive and review your articles!
Before we begin, here are some suggestions to improve the probability that your article will be posted on the blog:
Try to keep your articles between 400 - 700 words. You can submit as many articles as you would like. There is no deadline for submitting your work. Please make sure you send your articles to and make the subject of the email the name of your article. The review and approval of potential articles to be posted might take up to 3-4 weeks. During this time I ask that you please do not inquire with me about the status of your proposed. If you did not hear from me after 4 weeks, it means that your article was not chosen to be posted. But don't be discouraged - just keep writing and submitting your articles - because you never know :)
My blog is designed to feature articles that provide inspiration to special groups of people who are dealing with the challenges that life brings, and to provide different insights to those facing such challenges.
Some topics that I would like to cover/continuing to cover on my site include:
- People dealing with depression (e.g., loving someone with depression, what it's really like to have concealed depression, etc.)
- People dealing with anxiety and/or concealed anxiety
- How Perfectionism Affects My Life/Marriage/Friendship
- Single parents raising kids without any help
- Issues/Struggles of a gay/lesbian/transgender persons
- Children of Divorce
- Issues/Struggles in Marriage
- Dating Tips
- Dating a Narcissist
- How Narcissists Affect Our Life
- Struggles with Weight/Body image
- People who have raised someone else's child or been raised by someone who is not their biological parent
- People who have special issues in relationships with their Fathers or Mothers (e.g., 'To My Father Who Should Have Been There'; 'Things all Daddy's Girls Know To Be True"; "What it Means to Date a Girl Without a Father"; etc.
- Extroverted Introverts, other people with special personality types
- Love and dating (e.g., "I Flat-Out Refuse To Marry Anyone Unless These Are Our Vows"; 'To the Guy Who I Thought I Would Grow Old with"; "To the Guy Who Stopped Appreciating the Girl He Loves"; "Read This If You’re Worried That You’ll Never Find 'The One’"; etc.)
- Friends and friendship (e.g., "To The Friend Who I Thought I Would Grow Old With"; "14 Slightly Asshole Stuff That You Can Only Say to Your Best Friend"; etc.)
- Jobs and job searching
- Motivational topics (e.g., :You’ve Got This: 12 Signs You’re Actually Killing It in Your 20’s"; "26 Ways To Take Your Life Back When You’re Broken"; "To the Girl Who Needs to Fall Back in Love With Herself"; "Ways To Fall Back In Love With Your Life"; etc.)
- Loss of a loved one, loss of a boyfriend/girlfriend/friend
- Addiction, dealing with addiction, dark past ("e.g., "How to Date a Girl with a Self-Harming Past")
- Feeling lost (e.g., "Read This If You’re 23 And Lost")
- College and campus life challenges (e.g., "Every Stressed College Student: Stop and Read This Now")
- People who love their pets (e.g.: "17 Signs You’re An Overly Attached Pet Owner"
'Key Terms and Conditions' for Use of Articles Chosen to be Posted
I will not post anything without your consent. If I do decide to post your article, I will contact you and work out the details of our commercial agreement. I will edit and post the articles on the blog myself, but I will be certain to state your name as the author of the article. If I decide to post your article, I will offer 20 percent of the net ad revenue (after costs and expenses) that is generated from the specific ads that I will put on your specific article. The ads will be assigned to each article so the revenue generated can be tracked specifically to that article. The ad revenue will depend on the number of people who view your specific article. After the end of each month during which your article is posted on the blog, I will analyze the total ad revenue generated from visits to your specific article and deduct all costs associated with promoting your article (which I discuss below). I will email you the details regarding your article views, the total revenues generated from ads on your specific article, the expenses and costs for promoting your specific article and the 20% share of the net revenues for your specific article that you will receive.
I will remit payment to you for your percentage of the net ad revenues generated by your specific article in a particular month in which the article was posted, via PayPal or quickchase account. Payment will be sent on the 25th day of the second month after the month the article was posted. For example, if the article was posted on the blog for the month of January, you would receive your percentage of the net revenues generated for your specific article on the following March 25. However, I will not remit payment if your percentage of the net ad revenues for your article does not reach $50 in a month. In such a case, I will wait to send you payment until your percentage of the net ad revenues generated by your specific article reaches $50. At that point payment will be sent out in the next month. You will continue receive your percentage of the net ad revenues generated by your specific article for every month that article is posted on the blog.
I may choose to promote your article with my Facebook fan page account, Twitter and Instagram accounts, the Annabashedly newsletter (720 subscribers as of today) or other means and I reserve the right to do so as I deem necessary. You can of course promote your articles through your own social media channels to help generate views. Any promotion expenses or costs I incur will be subtracted from your monthly percentage of the net ad revenues generated by your specific article.
Here is an example of how the ad revenue percentage will be calculated.
Let's assume that your article generated $300 in total ad revenue in the month of March and I spent 15 dollars in March promoting your article. That would then be $300 in total ad revenue, minus $15 for promotion costs, which equals $285. Your 20% share of $285 dollars would be $57 for which you would receive payment two months later, on May 25th.
If I choose to post your article, I will contact you to get your written consent and to memorialize the commercial terms.
Please submit your articles to:
Be creative, be original and always write from your heart!
Thank you very much for contributing to my blog.
Please see "Additional Conditions, Disclaimer and Waivers" below pursuant to which each author and submitter agrees to by submitting.
Best regards,
Annabashedly Inc.
Additional Terms, Conditions, Disclaimers and Waivers
By submitting an article to Annabashedly, each author and/or submitter accepts and agrees to the following additional terms, conditions, disclaimer and waivers:
- Submission of an article is done at the absolute and complete discretion and risk of the author/submitter and creates no obligations of any kind on the part of Annabashedly or any of its officers. Annabashedly makes no promises to take any action in response to a submitted article.
- Only authors are allowed to submit their articles and anyone who submits an article hereby attests that they are the author of the article and/or have copyrights to the article. Annabashedly is not liable to any author if someone submits that author's content. All people who submit articles will need to attest that they are the true author before the article will be posted and will agree to be liable and hold Annabahsedly harmless for any claims or verdicts that may arise against Annabeshedly or its officers (including legal fees expended in defense of such claims) for any copyright infringement or other criminal or civil violations based on the ownership or content of the article.
- Annabashedly is granted permission by the author/submitter to edit the content of any article submitted before it is published, without requiring the consent of the author/submitter.
- All authors/submitters agree that they will waive and not bring any claims against Annabashedly for copyright infringement based on the use of their article or the content or theme of the article.
- All authors/submitters agree that Annabashedly does not need and has no obligation to return any article submitted to Annabashedly and Annabashedly makes no promise that articles will be used or returned
- All “Key Terms and Conditions for Use of Articles Chosen to Be Posted” contained on this page above.
Click here to view an example of a guest author article.